Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Life Lesson From Drewhammed #LLFD 12-6-2011

Today I'm going to address an issue that is getting out of hand due to the increase of cell phone users. Phone Fighting, or arguing with your significant other on the phone in public. Today's lesson is strictly for the fellas, and I will explain why right now. First off when you scream and argue on the phone in public you look like a bitch. That shit aint cool. Any male that walks down the street arguing with his chick is mirroring the actions of a HOODRAT. Plain and simple. Period. Point Blank. These actions are only accepted with a female because of their natural inability to control their emotions.   

Men are  all supposed to be strong, some stronger than others, but we are all strong. And with that being said WisDUMB and strength are two totally different things. All men are strong enough to hold their emotions but some are just not smart enough to do so.

Meet Jamaal.

Jamaal here is now known all the world over for not being smart enough to hold back his bitch ass tears and crying. When you scream and argue with your lady on the phone it shows that you have the capability to be the next Jamaal.
Today's lesson: 
Be strong. Be smart. Dont make simp videos. And most importantly DON'T ARGUE WITH YOUR CHICK ON THE PHONE IN PUBLIC. (IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A WEAK BITCH)